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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Iron Sharpens Iron

As Iron Sharpens Iron...

I've found over time that I'm not alone in this being my favorite verse.  I've taught on this scripture many times and it, like many other lessons, is one to be reminded of from time to time in order to take stock of where we are and what influences are affecting us.  I've always had this mentality  that I should get a wiser and more experienced person's perspective when making decisions concerning things like building something, taking on a new responsibility, making financial decisions, and especially to my view of scripture.  I couldn't tell you if it's humility that has caused me to err on the side of safety or a lack of confidence, but I figure it's somewhere in between.  I know that I've been saved from making costly mistakes by inquiring of someone what their experience has taught them and I continue to do so because of that.

Let's get on to the scripture... As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

This scripture is, like most proverbs, pretty straight forward, yet, is so revealing if we can take a moment to dwell on it.  At times while meditating on a recent lesson or some scripture, I will ask myself, "Why do you think this way about this scripture or what is affecting your mood towards this person or situation?"  More often than not, the most affecting things in my life are the people I surround myself with.  Just as iron can sharpen iron, it can also dull it if not applied correctly.  For example, while in the military I had friends that were very dear to me but because they were not Godly, despite their best intentions, I was dulled in my Christian walk in some ways by associating with them so much.  This isn't to say that I should have avoided them, but it does mean that I should have sought more Godly influences to encourage and exhort me unto being more Christ-like.  In the same vein, just as people influence our decisions in life, they also influence our interpretations of the Word. I'm not speaking against sharing with friends, on the contrary, I highly encourage it, but always with the consideration that what they say may not be exactly correct.  In my life, I have some very strong influences concerning the interpretation of the Word of God but should I blindly accept everything that I hear?  I don't think so.  The bible says that everyone should work out there own salvation with fear and trembling.  Philippians 2:12 This tells me that my salvation is my very own and I have to take responsibility for it.  It is not dependent on my wife, children, whether my grandfather was a preacher, etc... it is dependent upon my falling in love with the Lord and being obedient to Him alone. This shouldn't detract from my previous statement concerning fellowship with respected brothers and sisters in Christ.  By all means, seek them out and be the blessing and encouragement to them that you would desire for them to be to you.  Oftentimes, you will find that when you lift them up, it pulls you up along with them.  I would like to strive to always be an instrument for sharpening my brothers and sisters that we all may grow closer to the Lord and desire Him all the more.

Prayer: Lord, please help me to always be a benefit to my brothers and sisters in you.  Please let me not make them stumble but always lift them up.  In the same way, I pray that you will give me the wisdom and discernment I need to make wise decisions about with whom I associate and which counsel I take.


  1. On the other hand, surrounding yourself only with people who think alike can be dangerous and keep you from the very deepening of faith that you are seeking. I think there must be a balance between being around people who strengthen your faith by supporting your beliefs, and being around those who strengthen your faith by differing from your beliefs.
